social media marketing

Social Media Marketing – All You Need To Know

Social Media Marketing –  All You Need To  Know

To define the term marketing in social media, let us first analyze the definition of each word that forms the term itself.

The word ‘social’ means that communication between the two parties is ongoing and that the term ‘media’ is simply the platform or method with which people ‘socialize’. And ‘marketing’ is the promotion of products and services that lead to sales opportunities.

Although the principles of marketing remain, the marketing strategies and psychology on each platform can be very different.

In a business perspective, each social media website serves one or more marketing goals, the use of which depends on the market with which you want to communicate (and sell).

Let’s look at a few of these platforms one after the other:


YouTube is a website for sharing videos. Because of the popularity and the wealth of information, it has become the second search engine. This means that people use YouTube to look for video content on every topic they want to search. There is no doubt that online video is one of the most critical ways in which our society communicates, learns, shares and engages with others.

With YouTube, anyone can upload a video of their choice to their own YouTube account to view them in public or private.


Facebook, the most popular social media site has two sides. First, from a purely social point of view, every individual can register, connect, communicate and communicate with whomever he wants, whether it be friends, school or university, family members, colleagues, etc.

The second side of Facebook is the commercial side. With Facebook everyone can create a ‘Facebook page,’ but for business owners, this is an opportunity to do the promotion of their products and services.

Facebook page is now the most significant marketing tool for companies of all shapes and sizes. They enable companies to attract “fans” (past, current or future customers) and to communicate with these fans on the Facebook page itself, mainly on the “Wall” page.

A Facebook page has several pages, such as an ordinary professional website. The default pages on a brand new Facebook page are Wall, Info, Photos.

Business owners can also place ads on Facebook to attract visitors to the company’s Facebook page to attract more customers.


Twitter is called a “microblog.” Micro means small, and a blog is like a news feed with information about a person, a company, a subject, a sector, etc.

With Twitter, you can “publish” 140 drawing information on anything you want. Although the real goal is unknown, it serves as a medium for distribution to companies, individuals, celebrities or anyone who wants to express his or her choice or expertise on the subject of their choice.

Marketing on social media is no secret, but to do it right, to make money with your brand and create the new traffic you need to succeed – it requires know-how and the will to admit. Every day I talk to someone who is interested in social media marketing, but I do not know precisely how it could work for them and I think the investment is worthwhile. And that’s precisely why people are not looking for social media marketing because they do not know and do not know how to approach it.

In summary, social media marketing is the process of promoting brands, people, products or services with the use of social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.