Everyone wants stuff, nobody is willing to do what’s required to get it. That’s not how it works.

Admit Where You Are and Take actions to Fix It.

People are Broken, and they don’t want to admit It

The truth is, No one cares about you but you. Yea, your parents or your spouse may love you – but then again Love has its own definition. when shit about to get real, people’s true colors start to come out. If you’re down on your luck and need a loan, most of your friends and family can’t help you out. Some might, but most won’t especially if they’re in the same situation as you.

Stop complaining, Stop being miserable about where you are in life, take some time and focus on one area of your life that you want to improve – and then start doing things to make the changes happen. Stop blaming it in the government. “Oh, the government did this or is not doing this, and that’s why we’re poor.” Do you think that President Obama, Trump, Bush, Clinton or anyone in power cares about your financial problems? No, they do not.

People who are struggling with addiction, one of the first thing they do admit that they’re addicted. We don’t want to admit that we’re unmotivated, insecure, flawed. If you look at your bank account and see that you’re spending more than you make, then take the necessary steps to address the issue.

There are three types of people in this world:

The make things happen

The watch things happen

The wonder what happened

Can you guess what group most people fall into? Better yet What group do you fall into?

There are so many opportunities out there – so much potential that the playing field is wide open. So why don’t we have more people succeeding than failing? Everyone wants stuff, nobody is willing to do what’s required to get it. That’s not how it works.